Anchor Foundation

Scheme Provider
Anchor Foundation
Level of Grant Available
Grant range from £500 to £10,000>
Types of Initiative Funded:

Anchor Foundation
Supporting Christian charities concerned with social inclusion, particularly through ministries of healing and the arts. Grants range from £500 to £10,000.

Scheme details
Anchor Foundation is interested in:

“Supporting Christian charities concerned with social inclusion, particularly through ministries of healing and the arts.”

They will consider applications for projects abroad or in the UK.
In any one year the grant range to a project is between £500 and £10,000.
It is their normal practice not to give grants to the same project for more than three years.
They will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding but do not give grants to individuals.
Charities with a number of projects operating should choose a single project for their application.
The trustees look favourably on organisations whose boards demonstrate equal opportunities.
Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work.


Welcome to The Anchor Foundation You can find out about our application process by clicking on the buttons at the top of this page. It is important to read the Information for Applicants and to use our Application Form. The form can be completed online or printed out (PDF format) for completion and….


Priority Groups/Areas:
Opening Dates:
Further Information: