
Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable illness, premature death & health inequality.

Smoking also harms those who do not smoke through exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (second hand smoke) and parental smoking can harm children before and after they are born.

24% of population smoke (350,000), 31% of manual workers smoke 2,300 people die prematurely from smoking related illnesses every year.

Smoking can effect your eyesight.  New research has demonstrated a clear link between smoking and two leading causes of vision loss.  In 2014,  U.S. Surgeon General report confirmed that macular degeneration can be caused by smoking.  Take a look at the relationship between smoking and vision.

There are various health and other benefits of stopping smoking which include:

  • Better all-round health – stopping smoking reduces the risk of 50 different illnesses and conditions, including heart attack and lung, breast and throat cancer;
  • Live longer – one in two long-term smokers die early and lose about 16 years of life;
  • Set a good example to children – don’t be a smoking role model;
  • Enjoy improved fitness and easier breathing – be better at sports and getting up stairs;
  • Have lots of money to spend on other things – smoking 20 a day costs over £2,900 a year;
  • Food and drink tastes better;
  • Better chance of having a healthy baby;
  • Fresher smelling breath, hair and clothes, and no more cigarette smell around the house;
  • Better skin and complexion and less chance of early wrinkles;
  • Get back full control – no more craving or being distracted when you are not smoking or not able to smoke;
  • Help improve the environmental impact of tobacco growing;
  • Travel on trains, aircraft, buses will be easier;
  • Work easier – less time spent outside

For More Information

For information and useful tips to stop smoking log on to the PHA’s ‘Want 2 Stop’ website  and order a ‘Quit Kit’ free of charge.

Smoking: Know the Facts

Smoke Free Spaces

Tobacco Control Northern Ireland 2015


Stop smoking Support Services –

If you quit cigarettes for 28 days you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good. Order your free quit kit now and you’re on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

The Quit Kit is available to residents of Northern Ireland only.