Communities Improving Health

Low Vaccine Uptake Infographic


Networks Involving Communities In Health Improvement Infographic

(April 2021 – March 2022)


Training Workshops

The current 15 NICHI model groups have been taking part in a varied training programme to increase awareness and understanding of health healthy literacy and to aid the groups to support individuals and local communities to consider the various factors and influences on health.


Department Of Health Presentations

Health Inequalities – 12 FebruaryHealth Inequalities – CL


NICHI Tool Kit Launch 2019

We were delighted to launch the NICHI Model Tool kit last night. The Communities Improving Health Model Toolkit was developed by the NICHI Project Officers, for community-based practitioners who want to support local communities to build a healthier community. The toolkit outlines the process of supporting communities through the “Model” and includes sample resources. It is an evidence based resource, using community development, outcomes based accountability and co-production approaches, and the knowledge and experiences of communities and NICHI Project Officers, with guidance from the NICHI steering group.

Participants at the Launch had the opportunity to experience and learn more about the toolkit and meet groups from across the Northern Locality area, who, through signposting, building capacity and strengthening local accountability, are helping to reduce health inequalities and develop healthy and sustainable communities.


Social Model Of Health training September 2019

NICHI were pleased to host Social Model of Health training for local communities which was delivered by Community Development Health Network. This workshop explored how good housing, good friends, good self-esteem, emotional well being, employment and education can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.